I have been a facebook user for some years now so have a good knowledge of the ins and outs of the program. Being the first generation Australian on both my mothers and fathers side I have a large proportion of my family living over seas. I have found by using facebook it has allowed me to keep up to date with family and friends on a daily basis. Not just the older generation but the younger ones as well. I don't befriend everyone, just select people and I make sure my security is up to date. So sorry Midland Swan library I will not be adding you to my friend list. I have had a look at a few of the libraries facebook pages and can see how this would appeal to readers. Especially the younger generation. It is a great way to keep readers up to date on a daily basis of activities within the library and also to get customer feedback. Hopefully only nice feedback!
I don't think I would get into Twitter. I'm not the kind of person to let the world know what I'm up too on a regular basis. Again I think it would be rather time consuming and could become rather addictive. Like facebook I can see how it can be used in a library. Keeping borrowers up to date and for getting customer feedback. During this course I will be following a couple of work mates on Twitter and of course Jamie Oliver and Johnny Depp. mmmm Johnny Depp.
So if you would like to tweet me go to : www.twitter.com/Gumtrees12
Happy tweeting everyone!
My life is not exciting enough to tweet about...